Friday, January 13, 2006


In the sand

What is important to you? What matters?

For me, personally I want the ability to live my life, not get the fucking living shit taxed out of me because someone else made a lifetime's worth of bad decisions, not to be subject and forced to abide by someone else's belief system, and to be able to speak my mind. I don't think all of those are available to me right now.

For you?

If what matters is a women's choice to chop and rip a living, growing life with a beating heart out of her body to make life convenient. Hey it's all good.

If what matters is crying because of your station in life. Maybe those better off owe you a forced, legally mandated handout. Taking from others more successful than yourself is the proper means to an end. Hey, it's all good.

If what matters to you is hating the very country you live in, the place that gave you the right to speak your mind, to shit on every symbol and institution that made the USA what it is today. Hey, that's all good too.

All those topics, and the endless culture wars are all good, as long as the combatants (debaters) are civilized and decent human beings. However, there has been a steady decline in the level of discourse among those that differ in ideology. Now I could go on and list what would happen to someone that brought an opposing point of view to a peace/anti-war rally, or to the forces of farce that were opposed to the Stanley Williams execution. The socialists and communists protesting these matters were violently hostile to those that disagreed with them. In the case of the anti-war marches, counterprotesting WWII veterans proudly bearing an American flag (that wasn't upside-down, didn't have a swastika, or say "fuck Bush" on it) were assaulted by these chickenshits. Can you imagine that? An elderly man, who served and loves his country being attacked for what he believes. What is this, Kristallnacht?

You know what? None of this is going to matter very soon, because we have a new Hitler rising today. This new Hitler blames the Jews for many of the world's woes, particularly the woes of his own people. Not that their own religion or culture might possibly have a thing to do with it.

This new Hitler wants to force his master religion on the entire world. He wants to wipe out an entire country and its people. This new Hitler believes the actions of the old Hitler never happened.

This new Hitler seeks something more powerful than any V-2 rocket.
I certainly hope that the "International Community" and the chickenshit hypocrites of the UN are not the ones the world have to count on to face this enemy. I also hope that any plan to end this threat is not played out over the popular media. No, this new Hitler will not be stopped by a "referendum" or referral to any "Security Council". Remember, any "Clinton-esque" treaty signed by this Hitler clone will be promptly thrown in the trash.

To you peace loving antiwar dipshits, quit putting your head in the sand and wake up. Playing nice is not going to work. There is no level of discourse that Hitler jr. will respect.

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