Saturday, February 04, 2006
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The reason why the "moderate" peace loving Muslims are so quiet, is because there are practically none.
The Koran is a war manual, and we are infidels who must be converted, subjugated, or killed. More to come...
2/16/06: The Islamist retardation continues.

The Koran is a war manual, and we are infidels who must be converted, subjugated, or killed. More to come...
2/16/06: The Islamist retardation continues.

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to be fair, christians also aim to convert non-christians, lest they remain substandard people. deaths have also resulted. hell, i'm all about another crusade.
can we send the hardcore christians of america, including those in office, against these evildoers? it would be a great battle scene. oh wait, that's already happening, except some don't do their own fighting.
can we send the hardcore christians of america, including those in office, against these evildoers? it would be a great battle scene. oh wait, that's already happening, except some don't do their own fighting.
There's a difference between conversion by the sword (Islam), and conversion by annoyance and persistance.(Christianity).
Non Muslims in Muslim lands are forced to pay an "infidel tax" and made 2nd class citizens, as dictated in the Koran.
The definition of the word Islam is to submit.
[Early 17th century. < Arabic islām "submission (to God)" < base of aslāma "he surrendered"].
When one converts to Christianity, one is "saved". At least that's what they tell you.
I'll never submit, and haven't been saved, but I will be armed!
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Non Muslims in Muslim lands are forced to pay an "infidel tax" and made 2nd class citizens, as dictated in the Koran.
The definition of the word Islam is to submit.
[Early 17th century. < Arabic islām "submission (to God)" < base of aslāma "he surrendered"].
When one converts to Christianity, one is "saved". At least that's what they tell you.
I'll never submit, and haven't been saved, but I will be armed!
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