Sunday, May 23, 2004

Ever have one those nights where the next morning you have to dig through your wallet/pockets to confirm if you did indeed pay the bar tab you opened?

With luck, you are spared the prospect of returning to the bar during daylight hours (when the bar looks like complete shit and you wonder why you would ever hang out in such a place) and saying "I need to pay off my tab from last night".

Even then, the good part is they've already closed out your tab and last night's bartender is gone, so there's no one to tip! Save yourself five dollars! (friggin cheap bastard).

Anyway, I found my receipt and credit card, confirming tab payage and no daylight bar trip!

Paul succeeded in destroying each on of us that night.

Thank God for Yellow Cab.
Agreed. We were lucky to make it out of there alive.
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