Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The Fallujah situation is so simple to resolve. Just clean up after the mess left after this.

My main criticism with GWB isn't his decision to go to war with Iraq, but only his handling of it. To defeat unyielding fanatics, you must completely demolish and destroy them without a doubt. Any resistance needs to be met with OVERWHELMING force, if that means flattening an entire city, so be it.

"Attack rapidly, ruthlessly, viciously, without rest, however tired and hungry you may be, the enemy will be more tire, more hungry. Keep punching."

"A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week."

George S. Patton

Kevin, Thanks for writing. I didn't know I had any readers other than my core constituency of three friends.
First of all, my post wasn't about winning their hearts and minds, it was about complete and total victory over a bunch of fanatics. Targeted killing and precision air strikes are a joke. All they need is one old lady and a couple of children in our way,and we will hold our fire.

Their hearts and minds are already subject to Allah.
The rose petals scenario was yours, not mine.
Hard line anti-American government coming into power? That's possible, increasingly likely the more we half ass putting the insurgency down.

Yes, I'm quoting Patton. He was a brilliant military strategist and knew what needs to be done in time of war.
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