Friday, November 19, 2004

Seriously, I always wanted to be a rock/Pop star. There would be no better life.
The question is, what kind of star would I be? Limp-wristed whiner (See Coldplay), Thrash Rap Metal with silly rhyming (see Limp Bizkit), romantic crooner (fuck I don't know, Marc Antony?).

Whatever my choice, I know I would like to pen songs somewhat akin to the following delightful entry from the band "Start Trouble" and their song "Non-Stop".

"I wanna fuck non-stop baby
I think you're beautiful
you got to tell your pops I'm cool and I'll be good to you
I'll drop you off at your curfew
It's true I wanna fuck non-stop
baby I think you're beautiful"

Oh, yeah. That would make me swoon for sure.
That's the word on the street!
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