Sunday, January 30, 2005
A Slurpee for the People
Imagine a hot and sweltering day, with no relief in sight. The A/C in your car broke down and the furnace blast of hot air through the open windows only adds to your misery. You have 350 miles to go and it's only 8am. You'd kill for one of those beaded seat covers (aka, "cab driver's special"), only to air out your sweaty ass.
How much longer will this torture continue? All you see around you is open plains, the occasional farm or shabby antique store.
Suddenly, you spy the sign.
You pull into the 7-11, go straight for the Slurpee(tm) machine and fill up a Super-Slurpee with the Coca~Cola flavor (there is no other).
Even before you clamp on the ingenious bubble lid, you pull a spoonful of the icy cold goodness with the even more ingenious spoon/straw. As you bring it to your lips with giddy excitement, the grin on your face is unmistakable. You are having the first taste of only something better to come. Damn that feels good!
The people of Iraq have had their first spoon/straw-ful of freedom, and for now, it is a huge, tasty relief from a long, painful, and ardous journey.
Despite the best efforts of Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, almost the entire Democratic party, CNN, The New York Times,and let me see, anybody else? Oh yeah, those vile, subhuman terrorists (more politely referred to as "insurgents) sliming around Iraq, the people came to the polls and voted in huge numbers anyway. The look on their faces as they defied the threats of Zarqawi's henchmen was unmistakable. These people are thirsty, and they want a taste.
That's what so great about our country. I can only relate to their achievement with getting a Slurpee on a hot day. We have the luxury of debating something so insignificant and inconsequential as to whether Sigfried and Roy can get married. Iraqis are seeking the basic freedoms and rights we take for granted every day.
There's still a long, hot, difficult drive ahead.
Will that Slurpee melt before arrival?
How much longer will this torture continue? All you see around you is open plains, the occasional farm or shabby antique store.
Suddenly, you spy the sign.

You pull into the 7-11, go straight for the Slurpee(tm) machine and fill up a Super-Slurpee with the Coca~Cola flavor (there is no other).
Even before you clamp on the ingenious bubble lid, you pull a spoonful of the icy cold goodness with the even more ingenious spoon/straw. As you bring it to your lips with giddy excitement, the grin on your face is unmistakable. You are having the first taste of only something better to come. Damn that feels good!
The people of Iraq have had their first spoon/straw-ful of freedom, and for now, it is a huge, tasty relief from a long, painful, and ardous journey.
Despite the best efforts of Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, almost the entire Democratic party, CNN, The New York Times,and let me see, anybody else? Oh yeah, those vile, subhuman terrorists (more politely referred to as "insurgents) sliming around Iraq, the people came to the polls and voted in huge numbers anyway. The look on their faces as they defied the threats of Zarqawi's henchmen was unmistakable. These people are thirsty, and they want a taste.
That's what so great about our country. I can only relate to their achievement with getting a Slurpee on a hot day. We have the luxury of debating something so insignificant and inconsequential as to whether Sigfried and Roy can get married. Iraqis are seeking the basic freedoms and rights we take for granted every day.
There's still a long, hot, difficult drive ahead.
Will that Slurpee melt before arrival?