Monday, June 06, 2005


Straight to execution

As a corporate flunky with quarterly numbers and objectives, forecasts, and other such wonders I am inundated with bullshit meaningless phrases, originating from the top down, but rapidly adopted by lower level workers who seek acceptance and back pats. Phrases such as "At the end of the day", "let's take this offline", "do you have enough bandwidth".. all sorts of bullshit. Maybe you hear different ones than I do, but it's the "same coin, different side".

I don't even have enough time to "circle back" to go over the ones I hear over and over.

I remember one from a meeting years back, "Let's doubleclick on that one".. What the fuck are you talking about!? In retaliation, I even created my own bs phrase, "Let's right-click on that one". I was surprised it wasn't already in wide usage. A few colleagues at the time even adopted it, sort of as a joke, but not really.

Now that we are buried in bullshit speak, it's about time someone recognized this problem as it's infecting nearly every spoken word coming out of every high to low-ranking executive's mouth... That's not so much of a problem, but it's now infecting the rest of society. This must be stopped.

For everyone of you out there with "Stretch Goals", read the word, and fight back.

a favorite I get to hear often is "well, i'd presume _________."

cuz you know, presume sounds WAY smarter than assume. asshats.
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