Friday, July 29, 2005
Check out my Celebrity Chef Report blog (link on the left) for no other reason than to see the most awesome pic ever taken of Nigella Lawson. Ah man.....
After approximately one year, three months of increasing disappointment, putting up with buggy hardware and software, I am seriously considering kicking my P.O.S HP pavilion to the curb.
Its crimes: running slower than shit, tendency to freeze when I have two or more spreadsheets open at the same time, device driver not available for the HP branded printer I purchased at the same time (does not exist on CD-rom, or, kicking me out of Yahoo Messenger on a regular basis, apps shutting down and me sending error reports to MSFT.
To top it off, it contracts what must be "Computer AIDS" and is slowly dying. I thought that's why I run Norton Internet Security 2004 on the fucker. No Anti-Virus program seems to extend its life and free it from pain... Any of you tech geniuses have a cure... there's an ice cold forty of Mickey's in it for you.
Otherwise, I see relief in sight..