Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Chicken ass

-First part, make sure the beer* is properly chilled.
-Second part, rinse, and pat dry one whole chicken, 3, 4, up to 5 lbs.
-Third part, lightly crush about three cloves of garlic.
-Fourth part, salt and pepper inside and outside of chicken.
-Fifth part, coat chicken with rub seasoning. Me? I used leftover Moroccan spice rub from my bro Tyler's book.
-Sixth part, crack that beer, drink half, and throw the garlic cloves in.

Shove beer up chicken's ass, throw it on the grill**, and kick it for about 90 minutes.
I jammed a square of foil on at the neck opening to keep the steam and heat in.

At the end, I was tempted to drink the beer with all the chicken drippings and garlic.

* I used canned beer, fool. "3 Horses" is available at Trader Joe's, in 16 oz. cans.
** Indirect heat.

The rub did contain paprika. I usually stuff lemon slices when I roast the sucker in the oven... I'll see if I can work it in the next time I make Beer Butt Chickenn
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