Thursday, July 07, 2005
Do you feel the rage people?
Religion of piece.
Pieces of flesh.
I'm fucking pissed. These fucking pussy-ass, backwards, ignorant, intolerant, gangraping, medieval, losers, shitheads are killing innocent people. My heart goes out to the people of London, but it is tempered by my unmitigated rage at the world of militant islamism. Now is not to time to mourn and reflect.
People, the second we give one inch to them, if we show them any internal weakness and divisiveness, we are done. These people are not generous in victory. We have a long tradition of respect and generosity to the conquered. If they ever won a war, they would come house to house, room to room, kill any able bodied men, and gang-rape any women. People! Do you fucking see what is going on? These people are too chicken shit to fight a real war, hide behind women and children, kill and torment non-Muslims, hide behind lies and deception, and shoot and run. They train their children to kill, promote a culture of death, and hate and detest anything slightly contrary to their warped minds. Intolerance and lack of diversity? We don't have that problem. Spread that message to these fuckers.
This is why I have detested liberal politicians for quite some time now. Nancy Pelosi and her dumbfuck Demoncat party are trying to divide this country without any thought of the future, and preserving anything generations have fought to protect. Don't agree with the war in Iraq? FINE! But don't drag us down with internal bickering that only encourages these scumbags. You Demoncats want to look good? Quit complaining and offer something constructive. Even though he's full of shit, John Kerry said he would increase troop levels and add to our special forces. Great idea, on paper. However, without a "Clinton-esque" lowering of standards, it'll be practically impossible to up our Special Forces count. These are some of the smartest, bravest, motivated men on earth. The don't just come out nowhere. Approximately 95% of SF applicants fail testing. The applicant pool is even weaker now that Clinton made it so even pussies can hack it in basic training.
Politicians in stupid PR moves reach out "moderate" muslim leaders, but the problem seems to be there aren't that many around. The lesson here is don't reach out to a culture skilled in the art of deception and charm, without knowing who the fuck you're talking to. Political Correctness over self preservation is the kiss of death. Your killers will come with smiles.
When they come to my door, I'll give them two in the chest and one in the head. Go ahead and tell them you were against the war. They'll just kill you that much quicker.
Pieces of flesh.
I'm fucking pissed. These fucking pussy-ass, backwards, ignorant, intolerant, gangraping, medieval, losers, shitheads are killing innocent people. My heart goes out to the people of London, but it is tempered by my unmitigated rage at the world of militant islamism. Now is not to time to mourn and reflect.
People, the second we give one inch to them, if we show them any internal weakness and divisiveness, we are done. These people are not generous in victory. We have a long tradition of respect and generosity to the conquered. If they ever won a war, they would come house to house, room to room, kill any able bodied men, and gang-rape any women. People! Do you fucking see what is going on? These people are too chicken shit to fight a real war, hide behind women and children, kill and torment non-Muslims, hide behind lies and deception, and shoot and run. They train their children to kill, promote a culture of death, and hate and detest anything slightly contrary to their warped minds. Intolerance and lack of diversity? We don't have that problem. Spread that message to these fuckers.
This is why I have detested liberal politicians for quite some time now. Nancy Pelosi and her dumbfuck Demoncat party are trying to divide this country without any thought of the future, and preserving anything generations have fought to protect. Don't agree with the war in Iraq? FINE! But don't drag us down with internal bickering that only encourages these scumbags. You Demoncats want to look good? Quit complaining and offer something constructive. Even though he's full of shit, John Kerry said he would increase troop levels and add to our special forces. Great idea, on paper. However, without a "Clinton-esque" lowering of standards, it'll be practically impossible to up our Special Forces count. These are some of the smartest, bravest, motivated men on earth. The don't just come out nowhere. Approximately 95% of SF applicants fail testing. The applicant pool is even weaker now that Clinton made it so even pussies can hack it in basic training.
Politicians in stupid PR moves reach out "moderate" muslim leaders, but the problem seems to be there aren't that many around. The lesson here is don't reach out to a culture skilled in the art of deception and charm, without knowing who the fuck you're talking to. Political Correctness over self preservation is the kiss of death. Your killers will come with smiles.
When they come to my door, I'll give them two in the chest and one in the head. Go ahead and tell them you were against the war. They'll just kill you that much quicker.