Friday, December 09, 2005
By its cover
Yeah yeah... I do my best to judge all by their respective merits. However, I can tell just by her picture, Heather Fong is exactly like the middle aged, mentally disabled chinese woman I spotted on the Macy's escalator a few years back, fully decked out in FUBU gear. What is my point? She simply does not know what she's doing. This political witch hunt of SF's finest is retarded, she's retarded, and leaves me wondering how did she get her job?
Oh, yeah, pretty boy G. Newsom propped the career desk jockey to chief.

"Check out my nice hairdo" - G. Newsom.
Oh, yeah, pretty boy G. Newsom propped the career desk jockey to chief.

"Check out my nice hairdo" - G. Newsom.