Friday, July 14, 2006


Keepin it (Is)Real...

Can we give Israel major props for their strong reaction to Hamas and Hezbollah's abduction of IDF soldiers? I am filled with pride to see Israel, who exercises extreme restraint and has for so long, finally unleash, and unload their arsenal on Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon. For those of you crying about a potential humanitarian disaster, take a step back a look at this.

Living under the yoke of Islam, is a humanitarian disaster in itself. Let's see, women are second class citizens, under the rule of their husbands, or brothers. Tolerance for other religions, or even different sects of Islam in non-existent, and apparently worth killing others or yourself.

But let's look even closer, the Palestinians have never ever kept their side regarding any peace agreement. I knew the withdrawal from Gaza was a huge mistake for Israel. Any positive Israeli economic development in Gaza, was ripped up and looted (see greenhouses).

What do you do with a culture, people, and society that sees no future, blames others for everything, and can't do a shit thing for themselves? Other than build a big ass wall to keep them out, I don't know. The Palistinian people have been shooting themselves in the foot for decades now. Why are there still refugee camps in Palestine? It's been 60 years since Israel was founded, and they are still "Refugees"?

It's part of an elaborate ploy to keep most Palestinians from getting on with their lives, and ultimately improving their society, economy, and way of life. As long as they are still "refugees", their hearts, minds, and actions are filled with anger, hatred, and violence. This fire of anger is further stoked by Palestinian staged "actrocities" of Israeli soldiers killing innocent children. It even has its own word, "Pallywood". Michael Bay couldn't direct them better.

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